Province: | Khuvsgul province |
Centre of sum: | Erdenebulgan , 260 km located from Murun. |
Population: | 2'769 |
Area: | 4694 km2 |
Erdenebulgan is a sum (district) of Khuvsgul province in Mongolia. Erdenebulgan is located in the north-east of Zakomensk province of Russia, in the south of Tarialan, in the south-west of Ikh Uul, in the north-west Chandmani-Undur, in the north to Tsagaan-Uur and in the south to Teshig soums of Bulgan province.
There are 2745 people in 765 households. The total land area is 469.4 thousand hectares. It is located on the eastern edge of the Khuvsgul province and extends from the northeast.
- 700 km from Ulaanbaatar.
- 260 km away from the aimag center.
An elevation of 1200-1800 m above sea level. The Erdenebulgan soum is mainly mountainous, especially forested areas, and is dominated by steppe vegetation. Extreme continental climate
- 1-month average temperature-28 ° C
- Average 7-month temperature + 17С
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