

Province: Tuv Province
Centre of sum: Bayan , 82 km located from Zuunmod city.
Population: 2'100
Area: 2905 km2

Bayan  is a sum of Tuv Province in Mongolia. Bordered by Bagaikhangai district, Sergelen, Erdene, Arkhust, Bayanjargalan, Bayantsagaan soums, Govisumber, Bayan Bay and soums.

  •  96 km from Ulaanbaatar,
  • It is located 82 km from the province center.

The soum has 3 bags of administration with 290.5 thousand hectares of land and 63.2 thousand of livestock with 2100 population. Natural minerals rich in limestone, such as limestone, graphite, brown coal fluorspar, peatland, etc.