Province: | Selenge Province |
Centre of sum: | Yeruu , 84 km located from Sukhbaatar. |
Population: | 6'400 |
Area: | 8203 km2 |
Yeruu is a sum (district) of Selenge Province in northern Mongolia. Yeruu soum was established in 1924 with the request of the Buryat people with 240 households and 2039 residents of the name "Gurun" of Erdene Khan khoshuu of Tusheet Khan province. It was called the Era by Resolution 5 of 1931.
Yeruu sum of Selenge aimag is located in the south-west of Zuunkharaa of Selenge aimag, with its south side of Mungunmorit sum of Tuv province, with its southernmost parts of Khentii province, with its eastern part with Russia, with its surrounding Khuder and Altanbulag sum, with its western border with Darkhan-Uul and Javkhlant.
- 299 km from Ulaanbaatar,
- Located 84 km from the province center.
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