

Province: Bayankhongor Province
Centre of sum: Jinst   , 95 km located from Bayankhongor.
Population: 2'051
Area: 5313.000 km2

Jinst  is a sum (district) of Bayankhongor Province in southern Mongolia. Jinst sum is subsidiary of the Sain Noyon Khan province Saint Erdene bandid and historically first established by the Mongolian government executive order as the Arkhangai province known as Tsetserleg-Mandal province Bayanzurkh mountain Tariat sum in 1924.  

It is situated on the north east side of the Ikh Bogd mountain on the Tuin river embankment the historical attraction. With a land consists of steppe, valley and hobi desert it cover 5313000 hectar land. 992000 hectar of the total land is hayfield. The sum has total population of 2051.  It borders with Bogd, Ulziit, Baatsagaan, Bayangovi and Bayan-Ovoo sums. 

Jinst  sum is located:

  • 691 km from Ulaanbaatar city
  • 95 km from province center.