Province: | Dundgobi Province |
Centre of sum: | Sangiindalai , 114 km located from Dundgobi. |
Population: | 6'677 |
Area: | 7351 km2 |
Erdenedalai is a sum (district) of Dundgobi Province in central Mongolia. The soum is located in the Delgerkhangai Mountain Range of Khan Uul province and was founded in 1923 in Inner Mongolia.
It is bordered 275 km from Ulaanbaatar and 114 km to the north-western province of Ayatsag, Luus, Khuld, Delgerkhangai, Saikhan-Ovoo, Delgerkhaan, Tuv province, Bayan-Ulgii, and Sant and Bayan-Uul soums of Uvurkhangai province. 735.1 thousand hectare.
Erdenedalai sum is located:
- 275 km from Ulaanbaatar,
- 114 km from the province center.
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