Province: | Dornogovi Province |
Centre of sum: | Nuden , 133 km located from Sainshand . |
Population: | 1'542 |
Area: | 11400 km2 |
Ulaanbadrakh is a sum (district) and town of Dornogovi Province in southeastern Mongolia. Established in 1931. Total area 11,400 sq. Km. The population is 1,542. The center of Nenve soum and 60 km south of China border with China. There were 5 monasteries, 30 congregations of Elsen Tsagaan Ovoo, Inner Khoariin Monastery, Saikhan, Khashatta, Burma, Sharjah, Choibalsan and so on. works
The overwhelming majority of the Gobi Desert, Jargalant, Shar Dovon, Treasured Dalai, Tsaidam, Tseveen, Gurvan Jargalant, Gobi Gurvan Bogd, Argalant, Takhiat Mountains, Khongor Shavagtai, Rashaant Highlands, Three Riches, Lhundevs, Three Gorges, with sandy minted kilometers, in the south-west of Shavagg Squat, Sand of Seven and Sandy Ovoo, a vast sandy site, with a variety of plants combined.
Ulaanbadrakh sum is located:
- 596 km from Ulaanbaatar,
- 133 km from the province center.
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