

Province:Khentii Province
Centre of sum:Bayanmunkh  , 96 km located from Chingis city.
Area:2540 km2

Bayanmunkh is a sum (district) of Khentii Province in eastern Mongolia. According to the Resolution # 2 of February 15, 1931, the Dashbalbar mountain was established as independent soum and local administrative units and "BLACK VALLEY". The soum center is located in Ulaan-Erge.

Bordered with west side of Gurun soum, east side of Galshar soum, and south side of Ikh-Khet soum of Dornogovi province, respectively, on the west and west side of Darkhan soum, west side of Delgerkhaan soum, north of Jargaltkhaan soum, north east side of Murun soum. It has a population of 1,470.

With a total area of 255385 hectares, agricultural land is 252231 hectares (of which grazing land is 244,283 hectares, hayfields are 7400 hectares, cultivated land 151 hectares, land sanitation facilities are 397 hectares, 240 hectares of land and town settlements etc. land 1412 hectares, water reservoirs 1501 hectares and state special needs land 1 hectares.

Bayanmunkh  sum is located:

  • 96 km from Ulaanbaatar,
  • 273 km from the province center. 

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