The Fine Arts Zanabazar Museum

The Fine Arts Zanabazar Museum


About the Fine Arts Museum The Fine Arts Zanabazar Museum was founded in 1966 and was named after Gombodorj Zanabazar in 1995. The Fine Arts Museum is one of the most visited and favorite venues for the public. Our visitors, children and adults, enjoy discovering the finest exhibits and collections which have become our ’brand'.They discover about the skillful and gifted Mongolian artists, masters and craftsmen who created those masterpieces, and the unique features and distinguished qualities of these valuable heritages. The museum is home to diverse range of treasures from ancient petroglyphs, deer stone statues through historical and cultural relics of ancient Mongolian states and empires, and ruins of archaic cities to the masterpieces of Mongolian Buddhist art. Wonders of Mongolian art such as traditional paintings, folk art, crafts, sculptures, carvings, paintings and embroideries that emphasize Mongolian art history and creativity dating up until the first half of the 20th century are kept and exhibited on display at the museum.
The building of the Fine Arts Museum has a rich history of more than 102 f years. It is a historic and cultural monument of Ulaanbaatar city, and is one of the first ‘European style' two story building constructed in the city. It was built by the Russian merchant M. Gudwintsal in 1905 as a trade centre, and later rented to a bank before being occupied by a Russian military ' commander's office in 1921. In 1930 it became the central department store “Undur Delguur” and in 1961 the building was used for permanent exhibition space of the Union of Mongolian Artists. Shortly after, the Fine Arts Museum j was founded in 1966.

Everyday 09:00-18:00 /Summer time/
Monday-Friday 10:00-17:00 /Winter time/

Adult       8000 MNT
Students 2500 MNT 
Children  1000 MNT 

Chingeltei District, Tourist Avenue 38, 15170 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
Facebook page: The Fine arts Zanabazar museum 
Phone: +976-11-326060 
Fax: +976-11-326060