Tamir River

Tamir River


The Tamir River is a big river flowing from the Orkhon from the east. The northern part of the Tamir River is 180 km long, and the southern Tamir River is 165 km long. Separating these two sections of the Tamir River is a deep bend that is 52 km long, covering 13,100 square km. The northern Tamir flows quickly from the Khangai Mountains, and is a real mountain river after summer rains. The water level grows high quickly and drops away just as fast. Winter water levels are low and the flow freezes over. Two of the Tamir's bends in the river valley are 3 to 4 km wide and are flanked by bushes and aspen trees. The waterway can be as wide as 70 meters, and the waters can go as deep as 3 meters, with a flow of up to 2 meters per second.

Tamir River

Tamir River