Manzushir Monastery

Manzushir Monastery


It was built in 1733 lies on the southern end of the Bogd Khaan National Park. At one time the monastery had 70 temples and more than 1000 lamas. Unfortunately, the Manzushir monastery was destroyed in 1932 by the Communists. Nowadays, the only remaining temple has been restored to its former glory. A visitor to the area can enjoy the beautiful landscape, visit the museum displaying some original photos and artifacts of the temples and displays of the flora and fauna of the surrounding area, touch the copper bowl that  once fed 1000 lamas, and take a hike to visit the paintings of Taras and deities on the rocks overlooking the valley.   

Its ruins are located approximately 15 kilometers (as the crow flies, 43 kilometers by car) south of the Mongolian capital Ulaanbaatar on the south slope of Bogd Khan Uul mountain.