Kharkhiraa and Turgen Mountains

Kharkhiraa and Turgen Mountains


The twin peaks of Kharkhiraa Mountain (4037m) and Tiirgen Uul (3965m), which dominate the western part of the aimag, are curiously almost equidistant between Achit, Uiireg and Uvs lakes. As vital sources of the Uvs Nuur, the mountains are part of the Uvs Nuur Strictly Protected Area.

The river valley between the two mountains is the Kharkhiraa Gol, which flows into Uvs Nuur. This valley is the start of some excellent trekking routes, which lead up to both mountains, and you could also do some fine day hikes around here with your own jeep and camping equipment. The area is mostly populated by Khoton people, famous throughout Mongolia as shamans.

There are remains of some Uighur statues in the region, but you'll need a guide to find them.