Sharga-Mankhan natural reserve

Sharga-Mankhan natural reserve


The special and beautiful native natural reserve with rare flora and fauna is indeed an amazing natural complex. In order to protect saiga, the two population area of the saiga herds in the western part of Mongolia were brought under state protection with the Regulation no. 83 by the State Ikh Khural in 1993 and named “Sharga-Mankhan Natural Reserve”. Sharga-Mankhan natural reserve covers total of 390,071 ha land separated by 200 km which one is Sharga gobi section covering territories of Sharga, Tugrug, Tonkhil, Darvi, Khaliun soums of Gobi-Altai and Maknhan section covering territories of Buyant, Mankhan soums of Khovd aimag. Blacktail inhabit in Khuren river valley, Khatan’s well, Baga Darvi, Jargalant range located in Sharga hollow. Wolves and foxes occur ocassionally (during spring and autumn season). While, lynx and snow leopard inhabit in the forest. Carnivous birds including eagle, steppe eagle and vulture inhabit.