Museum of Govi-Altai province

Museum of Govi-Altai province


The museum was established as province study chamber in 1947 and it was expanded to become museum due to the statement of the Minister of Culture the 23rd of January, 1967. 

The museum has currently 2537 unit exhibitions in total. It displays more than 1600 exhibits through 4 chambers and 10 sections each has distinctive category such as geography, history and ethnic, handmade crafts and memorial etc. Travelers can feast their eyes on the most precious and invaluable finding such as jasper axe belongs to the 4000-5000 years BC, the bronze steed belongs to the VII-III century, BC, and silver lion-handled seal which was used in time Zasagt Khan around XIX century at the Local Research Museum as well as travelers can watch 35 unique site souvenirs like stone-made human statues placed in open air, paintings and petro glyphs on the rocks, tombs and stone shrines at the national reserved areas.

Entrance fee

  • Adult – 5000 MNT
  • Children – 500 MNT

Address: No10, Khantaishir street, Orgil bag, Yesonbulag sum, Gobi-Altai Aimag
Phone: +976-70484213, +976-99489939