Great bogd mountain

Great bogd mountain


One of the highest peaks of Gobi -Altai mountain range is Great Bogd Mountain with an eternal snow cap elevated 3957m from sea level. Located in Gobi region however, it hosts teal green moss, colorful flower beds, fast flowing mountain rivers bab-bling noisily their way, a lake and endangered animals such as wild sheep, ibex and leopards as well as medical herbs like snow lotus, rose-root and pagoda tree. 

Mountain Peaks experience snow in the middle of summer whereas it turns to rain in its middle range. Temperature reaches 30 degrees C at its bottom, creating a multitude of microclimates within one mountain. Great Bogd Mountain range suffered from earthquake in 1957 creat-ing two beautiful lakes called "Blue" and "Green" Lake. These are great attractions for tourists and trekking fans.