Burhan Buudai mountain reserve

Burhan Buudai mountain reserve


Burhan Buudai mountain is a naturally sculptured formation which is found in Biger, Tsogt and Khaluin soums of Gobi-altai aimag that was brought under the national reservation in order to maintain and protect the longcoming descendent worshipping heritage by the Regulation No. 43 in 1996 by State Ikh Khural. The area covers 52110 ha. The Burhan Buudai mountain is included in the mountain meadows and the subdivision of mountainous steppe within the bunches of rising Altaic ranges and the peak is 3765 m high eternally frozen top. In this beautiful branch of Mongol-Altaic ranges, interesting creatures and winged-creatures like wild-sheep, ibex, snowleopard, snow-cock, bearded vulture, condor, there are plenty of plants and medicinal herbs like vansemberuu, roseroot, bourtree, Aconitum Kuznezoffii, Saussurea involucrata and fruits and berries like sea-buckthorn and gooseberry. The Burhan Buudai mountain reveals variety of naturally sculptured and peculiar formed tops such as Hyar Nuuriin Thousand Tombs, Uyertiin White Gate. These are all abrupt and steep bluffs and cliffs of awesome straightness which could prove the only creation of Mother Earth when watching from any angle. The wheatshaped red stone on top of Nam Bogd mount which has been worshipped by local people over generations is still nicely preserved until today.