When in Emergency

When in Emergency


Although Mongolia ranks one of the least crime-ridden countries in the world, like any other places, you will need some common-sense precautions. Particularly in the capital Ulaanbaatar, petty theft is part of the reality.

When you are in a situation, you can always ask for help from around, and report the incident to the nearest police station (or an officer). The police can provide a letter for insurance purposes. In an emergency call the police on 102 or +976 102 from an international mobile phone. There should be someone available on this number who can speak to you in English. You may also need to contact your embassy or consulate service for assistance, particularly in the case you lost the travel documents.


Accident and medical attention

Depending on your travel timing, you should prevent from some common threats. Common cold and other respitory deseases might be on the rise during the winter and spring. You may also need to consider the air pollution of the capital city, which might lead to prolonged treatment of the illness. 

It is also worth noting that tradtional Mongolian dishes are rich in fat, some exclusively local dishes including airag (fermented horse milk), sheep innards, and curds. All of which might cause abnormality to the stomach if person is not used to them. Thus, take extra care to what you are consuming and prepare medicines for precautions.

If you need medical attention, here are Medical facilities listed by the US embassy.

In any case, Mongolia-Guide will always be ready to guide you to the right direction.