Province: | Khovd Province |
Centre of sum: | Jargalant , capital of the Khovd Province |
Population: | 27'538 |
Area: | 70 km2 |
Jargalant is the capital of the Khovd Province of Mongolia. Officially known as Jargalant sum. The Resolution # 23 of 1992 adopted the Jargalant Soum as the central cities were transferred to the soum administration. According to the Resolution No. 02 of 2003-01-02, Khovd was the center of state-of-the-art center of western region.
Khovd, Khovd province center, is located in the Buyant River valley, covering 70 km2, and is 1425 km from Ulaanbaatar.
It has a continental climate. It is characterized by dryness and mountain ranges. It is located 1460 km from Ulaanbaatar and 25-375 km from other soums of the aimag and is bordered by Buyant, Khovd and Duut soums.
Jargalant soum There are 12 bags of administrative unit. In Jargalant soum there are 25,279 population and 6858 households consisting of more than 10 ethnic groups, including Uuld, Khalkh, Zakhchin, Torguud, Uriankhai, Myangat, Durvud, Bayad, Kazakhs and Uighurs.