Khongoryn Sand

Khongoryn Sand


The Khongoryn Els are some of the largest and most spectacular sand dunes in Mongolia. There is an exotic sand dune called Khongor in the territory of Sevrei soum of Sout govi province. This sand dune stretches in 130 kilometer area of the province. The width of the sand dune is 3-5 kilometers and gets to 20 kilometers in some parts. The height of the Khongor sand dune is approximately 80 meters. The highest point of it reaches 195 meters above ground level. The dune is also referred to "Voicy mankhan" by locals as it generates sound similar to that of airplanes. Travelers coming up here run down the sand dune and as they stop suddenly they would hear plane like sound. The locals advise that the travelers should walk barefeet on the hot sand which is extremely good for health. If you do not want to walk you may choose to go by camel, just behind the sand dune there is a river called Khongor as well and it runs over 10 kilometers long. Khongor river has gorgeously gfeen grass. It flows into Adag nuur. Green grass covering land behind yellow sand under blue sky. Perfect harmony in nature.

Moltsog Els. These sand dunes are smaller than those at Khongoryn Els, however it is a popular spot for tourists who cannot go to Khongoryn Els. The area is also worth seeing for its saxual forest with its thick and uniquely shaped wood.